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Andy Valeri, Big Beef Productions

Distributing Your Film

Wonderful, sociable and important things can happen.

Get on the bike and ride…

A bike Big Beef has been riding one way or another for decades now, with It's All Happening being just the latest variation on a theme. This bit of professional advice, taken from an old book on filmmaking resonates on so many levels.

It’s a familiar story to those earlier generations of independent filmmakers, and pretty much exactly how my friend the late great Julia Reichert and her filmmaking partner at the time Jim Klein had to operate with films like their groundbreaking work Growing Up Female. (Julia tells the story of this in detail in her biopic produced by her long time partner Steve Bognar, Julia’s Stepping Stones, out now on Netflix).

Speaking of Steve, this process is how he and I would exhibit our films back in the day, when copies were overly pricey and video duplication wasn’t yet a thing. Bicycling media was the core of how Big Beef operated during our community media days, getting videos sent to other stations and all.

In light of all of this, gotta say that among the pros and cons of our digital age, our modern ease of distribution is definitely one of the pros :)

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